socially acceptable form, legal achievements, multidisciplinary issues, legal awareness, social self – movement, development, the introjection of modern youthAbstract
The article reveals the categories of legal culture as a sphere of individual freedom, which allows a young person to realize own preferences, talents and interests. Each new generation faces to the legal achievements of the predecessors correspond to self-realization and prospects of realizing the collective meaning of social self-development. The analysis of works on the issue testifies to the relevance and multidimensionality of both the problem itself and the methodological approaches to its scientific solution. The formation of legal culture of modern youth is covered in multidisciplinary issues of legal culture, legal awareness of man and young people in particular, legal education, training in pedagogical, psychological, philosophical, sociological, political, economic sciences, culture, public administration and social communications. Legal consciousness is formed in the process of personal development. The humanistic nature of the formation of modern youth’s legal culture is represented by the embodiment of social self-movement, which requires general scientific structure and typology of methods of cognition and transformation of reality in their development and relationships. The main methodology of formation of legal culture as a phenomenon and process is defined by the idea of development.
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