




Tigran the Great, Antiochus I, Armenian crown, eagle, eight-pointed star (sun), God of Khaldi, rock paintings, sanctuary of Mount Nemrut


In the ancient systems of the world, the main persons-kings, rulers - carried an important philosophical distinguishing element, wore a ceremonial crown hats. They differed both in their appearance and content. crown-Khur told about the position of the wearer, achievements, titles received.

Khuri-Crowns had not only the meaning of transmission of dynastic succession, but also had a spiritual and secular philosophical nature. Such was also the "Armenian Crown" of Tigran the Great, the king of Armenia.

The object of the study is the iconography of the Armenian crown of Tigran the Great.

The purpose of this study is to The Armenian crown of Tigran the Great is the crown depicted in ancient high sculptures, sculptures, on carved stones and coins, which was worn by Tigran the Great, his successors and the Yervandun kings of the related Kommagenian branch in solemn circumstances. The crown of Tigran the Great was created on the basis of a religious idea. It is a reflection of the supposed subordinate of the god Mihr. It is of native Armenian origin and is not an imitation of any royal foreign khuri.

The methodological basis of the research was the analytical-comparative, historical-comparative, and chronological-descriptive methods.

As a result of the study, it was established that. The iconographic origins of Tigran the Great's crown originated from the ancient rock paintings in the Armenian highlands and, receiving the right of institutional identity, after undergoing certain polishing, entered the iconography of the deities of the Kingdom of Van (Khaldi, Teisheba, Shivini), passed to the deity Mihri, the kingdom of Yervandi, the kings of Commagene and Tsopk to the Mashtotsian alphabet and appeared in their improved version on the crowns of the Armenian king Tigran the Great, Artavazd and other Artashesian kings. By combining and discussing the results of the studies of historians-researchers G.A.Tiratsyan, B.Tashjian, Z.Khachatryan, R.Sullivan, Father Vardan Hatsun and others, we came to the conclusion that the Armenian Tigranyan crown,  having an initial similarity with the Persian crown, however, it is of Armenian origin and was drawn and prepared according to the ideas of its master, Tigran the Great, to perceptions  in accordance with the position. It is the result of the absolute interweaving of the spiritual and secular authorities of the centuries-old history of the Armenian people, as evidenced by the example of rock paintings, inscriptions and monuments of the Armenian Highlands.


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