




Dissent, Armenian Genocide, land claims, , Open letter to Cochinians, Court comedy, Two words about Kharabakh and Nakhichevan


Numerous underground groups were established in Soviet Armenia in the 1960s, which significantly influenced public opinion in the country and played a major role in the campaign to restore Armenia's independence, raise national issues, and defend human rights. Among other groups, the clandestine group "For the Homeland" emerged in Soviet Armenia in the late 1960s, bringing with it the ideological undertones of period-specific national aspirations. In the midst of the dissident activities in Soviet Armenia, the clandestine group "For the Homeland" played a special role.

This article's goal is to introduce the "For the Homeland" clandestine group and its actions, which is oneway Armenian discontent manifests itself.

The aim was to investigate and debate the foundation process, ideological priorities, and operations of the aforementioned organization, which was established in Soviet Armenia, in order to achieve the purpose.

Both historical and comparative methodologies were used in the investigation. Interviews, memoirs, and official and private archive documents were all subjected to content analysis.

It was determined that the "For the Homeland" underground group's primary ideological goals were to preserve the integrity of the Armenian language, raise national concerns, and urge the reunion of Kharabakh and Nakhichevan to Mother Armenia. All of this was represented in the articles written by the organization's members for the magazine of the same name.


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