Afghanistan, society, women's issue, gender rights, Islamic value system, interethnic problemsAbstract
Ethnic and women's issues in nowadays Afghanistan are indicators of decisive changes in society and allow us to visualize the vision of relations and possible solutions that would be adequate to the current international standards of public relations.
The article is devoted to the study of ethnic and women's problems of Afghan society, in which an attempt was made to comprehensively study the direct and indirect impact of global processes taken place in the 20th century on these two main problems of Afghan society.
The object of the study is Afghan society, with the subsequet ethnopolitical and women's issues within the context of multidimensional external and internal processes of the 20th century. The purpose of the study is to outline the transformation of Afghan society in the context of ethnic and women's issues and to show the influence of the latter on processes in the social environment.
Added to this the article comprehensively discusses the "national characteristics" of Afghanistan, the prism of clan and race relations, the influence of external actors on ethnic processes, changes in the religious and national environment, the orientation of national minorities to identity and other issues.
Finally, in the 20th century, especially under the conditions and of Soviet influence, a number of steps were taken to ensure equal rights for Afghan women, such as integration, equal educational opportunities, etc., but these achievements were local, characteristic only of the urban environment. After the withdrawal of Soviet troops in 1989, the civil war, and the Mujahideen's rise to power, the prospect of solving women's and ethnic problems became uncertain again.
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